A 37-year-old lean, thin short lady came to my clinic for her long-standing ailment of acidity and one-sided headache. She was suffering for 13 years.
She looked very anxious and worried. For 13 years, she took various treatments here and there. She visited various doctors of different pathies without results.
She had nausea with sour watery eructations with pain in epigastric region. Her complaints aggravated if she missed her meals or after sleepless night. She felt much better after vomiting.
Hyperacidity leads to pain in head, mostly left side. Her headache aggravated mostly in evening to night or working in sun. After vomiting and sleep, she felts much better.
She also suffered from fissure in ano for 10-12 years. She had burning pain in that region after stool.
In every winter, she suffered from cracks in palms and soles.
Her menstrual cycle was regular and flow for three days. She had pain in abdomen during menses.
She had scanty perspiration. Her appetite was good. She had desire for sweet and spices. She had specific aversion to milk. Whenever she drank milk, she vomited it out. She drank less water. She was thirstless. Her bowels were normal. She had frightful dreams of accidents.
She was a very anxious and fearful lady. She was sensitive. Her childhood was very sorrowful. Her father was alcoholic, so she grew up at her mother’s home. She had lots of domination by relatives in childhood.
On above history, her constitutional medicine was prescribed to her. In just two months, all her complaints improved to normal. At present she doesn’t have any complaints.